Suffering from Seasonal Allergies? How Deep Cleaning Can Save You
To some, allergies may seem mild compared to other medical conditions. However, did you know that allergies are one of the leading causes of chronic illness? In the U.S alone, more than 50 million people suffer from different types of allergies. Among these, seasonal allergies or hay fever top the list.
Thanks to science, you’d think that allergy season will get better over time. However, unfortunately, allergy seasons are getting worse as pollen seasons lengthen and intensify.
While this is mainly due to climate change, other factors also contribute. Living in dirty and unkempt house conditions, for instance, can foster allergens. Read on to learn about the relationship between your home, deep cleaning, and seasonal allergies today!
Decluttering Leaves No Place for Allergens to Cling On
Triggers of seasonal allergies vary depending on the season. For spring, tree pollens take responsibility, while grasses are the culprit during summer. During autumn, ragweeds produce allergens that trigger mild to severe allergies.
Notice that the triggers of seasonal allergies for these seasons are outdoor allergens. However, these allergens can be easily carried through by the wind inside your home.
Hence, being a homebody doesn’t mean you’re saved from these allergens. On the contrary, chances are you’re inhaling outdoor allergens that accumulated inside your home. This is especially so if you haven’t done any cleaning at home.
Meanwhile, indoor allergens rise to the scene during winter. Indoor allergens include dust mites, mold, pet dander, and the like.
A few allergens aren’t life-threatening. Yet, few can turn to large in no time as allergens can easily accumulate in large amounts indoors. Exposure to large quantities of these allergens can cause allergic reactions. Since we spend more time indoors during the winter, our exposure time also doubles.
One way to prevent seasonal allergies is to reduce allergen accumulation. So how do you get rid of dust and other allergens? Start by decluttering your home.
The more things you have, the more surfaces available for allergens to thrive. If you declutter, allergens have fewer places to cling to. For you, this means a cleaner and healthier place to live in.
Deep Cleaning Minimizes Mold Growth
Molds are beneficial to the environment, especially in breaking down dead materials. They’re also present anytime and everywhere, easily traveling in the air but in tiny amounts.
However, if you were too busy to deep clean, molds might have continuously amassed in your home. This is a major health risk, especially when it gets hot and humid.
Humid indoor spaces create the best condition for speedy mold growth. However, exposure to large amounts of molds causes symptoms similar to pollen and dust allergies.
You might start experiencing itching, wheezing, and a runny nose. Coughing, headaches, as well as having difficulty breathing is also possible.
Moreover, certain types of molds such as aspergillus and Stachybotrys produce toxins called mycotoxins. Exposure to mycotoxins can lead to more severe symptoms and illnesses. This is especially true for those with existing allergies.
Even worse, if you’re repeatedly exposed to them, you’ll become more sensitive to changes. Temperature changes during the end and start of a new season, for instance, can trigger an allergic response.
As such, it’s highly recommended to deep clean your home to lessen mold growth. Pay extra attention to your bathroom and kitchen where it’s humid. Make sure to scrub off between the tiles and corner linings where molds thrive the most.
Deep Cleaned Bedrooms Prevent Excessive Growth of Allergens
Dust mites are tiny, bug-like creatures that feed on the tiny flakes of skin cells we shed daily. These skin cells are everywhere but most especially in beddings. With every toss and turn, we naturally leave behind food for dust mites to feast on.
Aside from dust mites, mold can also build up and grow in an unwashed bedsheet. You might also carry within your clothing or hair pollens that can make you sneeze. Not to mention the hair of your pet friend, if you have one.
90% of bedrooms have three or more allergens thriving in them. Of which, 73% of the bedrooms contain high levels of said detectable allergens. Couple this with the number of hours we spend inhaling the air in the bedroom when we sleep.
The point is that bedrooms are the hot spots for allergen growth and exposure. Hence, if you want to fight off seasonal allergies, carry out a deep seasonal allergy cleaning in your bedroom to minimize lurking allergens.
Deep Cleaning Improves Indoor Air Quality
Indoor air quality plays a major role in the development of allergies. This is because the air carries tiny particles of allergens into the human body.
Aside from allergens, there are also other gasses and particles mixed within. This includes lead, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, and carbon monoxide.
Thus, if you miss out on deep cleaning your home, you’re fostering poor air quality. This can trigger allergy symptoms such as coughing, sore throat, etc. You might also develop chronic asthma and bronchitis, making you more prone to allergic reactions.
However, by deep cleaning for allergies, you not only get an organized space, but you’ll also have better air quality. It helps to install a proper HVAC system at home. It’s also best to do away with long draping curtains and humidifiers as they tend to attract allergens.
Minimize Seasonal Allergies With Deep Cleaning!
Aside from reducing allergens and improving air quality, deep cleaning can also help you save money. For one, you get to prevent seasonal allergies, saving you from spending money on medicine and other medical services. In addition, by cleaning, you’re warding off pests that can damage your belongings.
Further, deep cleaning can help brighten your mood and increase productivity. Deep-cleaned homes also make a good place to host social events.
There are countless other benefits to deep cleaning. Don’t just take our word for it and experience these benefits yourself!
Tight on schedule? We’ve got your back! Reach out to us today and let us do the dirty work.